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Privacy policy

What does this statement contain?

Dembra is committed to safeguarding privacy in a good and responsible manner.

The statement contains the information you are entitled to when collecting information from our websites (Personal Data Act § 19) and general information on how we process personal information (Personal Data Act § 18, 1st paragraph). Here you can read about the type of information we collect, what we use it for, and where the information is stored.

About Cookies

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer every time you visit the website. Cookies are often used to support website functions, as well as to collect information for the website owner. This information is used to create reports and improve the website. We never store information that can be used to identify you personally.

Dembra's Websites and Use of Cookies

Dembra's websites are designed so that stored searches or the use of cookies cannot be directly linked to an individual.


We use the Hotjar analytics tool to gain insights into users' needs on our website. This enables us to optimize the users' experience of the site. We look at, among other things, how much time users spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, and how far users scroll on the pages. In addition, Hotjar is used for collecting responses to surveys.

The IP address is used to determine the country the user is in and is stored in anonymized form on Hotjar's servers.

Hotjar stores information about users in an anonymized user profile. Neither Dembra nor Hotjar will use this information to identify users.

You can read more in Hotjar's privacy policy.

Fathom Analytics

Dembra.no uses Fathom Analytics to obtain anonymized statistics about our website. Fathom Analytics is a more minimalist version of "Google Analytics" that complies with COPPA, GDPR, ePrivacy, and CCPA.

By using Fathom Analytics, we can see which articles and pages receive the most traffic, allowing us to know which pages to improve – and what kind of content to create in the future.

You can read more about how Fathom handles privacy on Fathom's website.