Identity, Diversity and Belonging
Identity is about who we are and who we feel we belong to. Diversity points to differences between people. According to the curriculum, schools should support the students in their identity development and give them tools to participate in a diverse society.
Group identity is about which group one identifies with, and consequently also which groups one sees as different. Closed and static understandings of "we" and "the others" make way for prejudice and excluding attitudes.
Competence for diversity is about individual skills, such as tolerance and the ability to cooperate with people who are different from oneself. But it is also about understanding discriminatory structures in society. Self-reflection is a central element of diversity competence.
Under this topic you can read more about identity, diversity and diversity competence. You will find more activities for different grades and levels, meant to create a sense of belonging and respect for differences. In addition, there are activities creating space for reflection around identity and diversity.