Based on the idea that a group has a core, an essence, representing the identity and culture of memb...
Amongst other things, identity is used to describe who we are, what values we stand for, and who or ...
Refers to what is between cultures or in the encounters between cultures. It is often used as a cont...
A fixed understanding of a group, based on generalizations about its members. Stereotypes are not al...
Missing connections to the rest of society. This could be applied to individuals or groups whos part...
From the latin word extremus, which could be translated to "the outermost" or "the worst". Extremism...
Attitudes towards people based on preconceived ideas about the group they are identified with. Preju...
A collective term for exclusionary attitudes towards groups of people, from racism and antisemitism ...
Describes all minor events, experiences and remarks confirming that someone is perceived as "the oth...
Something connected to multiple cultures. Multicultural can be used to describe societies containing...
From the Greek "episteme", meaning knowledge. Epistemology is the science of knowledge and one of th...
Heavily negative statements aimed at someone because of their affiliation, or assumed affiliation, w...
When certain traits of a group is perceived as connected to origin, and therefor fixed. The term ref...
Refers to something created by humans, opposed to nature. Culture can be used to describe the expres...
Negative attitudes and actions against Jews or something perceived "Jewish", based on distinct conce...
When someone receives unfair treatment as a result of belonging to, or being perceived to belong to,...
Refers to intervention of all forms of violations, but also a more general resistance against someth...
Used about the process where individuals or groups become increasingly extreme. The Norwegian govern...
Refers to the idea that different forms of discrimination can cross each other, work together, or ev...
The process where a person receives power and control over their own life. Empowerment is about the ...
Negative attitudes and actions towards Muslims, based on conceptions of Muslims and Islam. For examp...
To deem something as less worth or subordinate. From the latin "stigma", meaning mark/brand. Often u...
Refers to a large range within something. Diversity can carry multiple meanings when used to describ...
Negative attitudes and actions against the minority Roma (formerly called «gypsies»), based on disti...